Kinetico Dechlorinators

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Dechlorinators for the House

Chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent that is very effective as a disinfectant because it causes the structure of living cells to break down, so they die. It has been used for decades to combat water-borne diseases and is credited with saving many lives and almost eradicating cholera and typhoid after it was widely added to water.

A Dechlorinator for House Use to Improve Water Quality

Most water treatment companies add chlorine to the water they distribute because it kills bacteria and it’s regularly used as a disinfectant. However, it is also toxic to humans and has several adverse effects so many medical specialists advise against long-term exposure to chlorine where possible. Consequently, since it is no longer necessary once the water reaches your property, it can effectively be removed by a dechlorinator for the house.

Kinetico Water Softener Image

What is Dechlorinated Water and why is it Necessary?

Dechlorinated water is simply water that has had chlorine removed. It’s important you do this for several reasons:

  • Many people dislike the smell and taste of chlorine so plenty of things will seem better when it’s removed, including food that’s cooked in water.
  • Washing or swimming in chlorinated water can cause burning to the eyes as well as dry skin and hair.
  • It breaks down rubber so it can cause leaks in plumbing systems and appliances.
  • Chlorine is not only ingested by drinking water or by eating food cooked in it, but also by inhalation of steam when bathing or showering, or by absorption through the skin.
  • Chlorine poisoning can result from frequent consumption of chlorinated water, causing coughing, a sore and swollen throat, stomach pain and other symptoms such as a blood pH imbalance.

The threats to your body caused by long-term exposure to chlorine are too great to ignore. Consequently, using a dechlorinator for house to remove the chemical is the only practical solution.

How to Dechlorinate Tap Water with a Kinetico Dechlorinator

The removal of chlorine from your water should be part of a comprehensive water treatment system that removes a variety of harmful impurities and chemicals to leave your water as pure as it can be. These Kinetico Dechlorinator systems can include:

  • activated carbon filters that remove organic contaminants and some chlorination by-products
  • ion exchange units that soften hard water and remove fluoride
  • reverse osmosis units that are effective in removing dissolved organic and inorganic compounds, and removing bad smells and tastes
  • distillation units that remove most inorganic compounds

You can install point-of-use systems that dechlorinate water only at a single outlet. However, the best solution is a point-of-entry or Kinetico whole house water system which means every drop of water is free from chlorine. We can advise and install the best system for you to make the start to a less chlorinated life. We also offer Kinetico Maintenance on all dechlorinators.

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